It all began saturday night. I worke up around 3:30 and went to work at Provena Covenant around 7pm. It wasn't too bad of a night, not busy, just steady. A guy shat himself while trying to shit in a bucket five minutes before I get off work, so I had to give him a shower. Got off around 0745 am. Went to Merry Ann's for breakfast and had delicious biscuits and gravy. There's something so very odd about having that for "breakfast" when I've been awake all night and ready to go to bed. I got this very odd feeling sitting there alone, as if time was standing still. Slept in til 4:30 Sunday afternoon when I was awoke to people yelling playing video games. Accompanied Zvi and Sudheer to the grocery store and then Suds and I went to Hooters for dinner. Got ready for work and went in at 11 pm.
Again, not a very busy night, which is good on one hand, but the night dragged 'cause there was nothing to really do. Apparently the hospital is rationing butterfly needles, which really sucks 'cause they make phlebotomy so much easier. Get off at 7:00 am on the dot this time with a single patient in the ER. I pass out for about 3 hours, but it isn't good sleep. At 11, I wake up and head home to Kankakee, still wearing my scrubs from work. I get home (barely) and no one is there, so I call my Mom's cell. She's been helping my Dad around because he's got a bad ulcer on his leg. He's been forced to wear this enormous boot that is supposed to relieve pressure on the ulcer when he walks. He forgot to wear it, but my Mom asks if I can bring it to Provena St. Mary's, where he has to install a pacemaker. I do so and I take time to talk to all my old co-workers in surgery. Finally my Dad shows up and asks the charge RN if I can suit up and hang out. I'm draggin' at this point, but sure, what the hell, I get to see all my old friends. I change from scrubs into scrubs and help my Dad gown up for his procedure. As each room finishes procedures and calls for turnover help, I show up suprising everyone. It was really cool reliving my "glory days" in surgery and getting to see everyone minus the fact I'm a damn walking corpse. Gina even bought me some hot dogs from Janeckie's, and she didn't even molest me for them. I was talking to Jim Connerty and he gave me the quote du jour:
"Forget this Molecular-cell biology crap, you need to see if you can major in engineering before you graduate in 2 months. Then you can make some good money for a while and then what you need to do is marry some hot artist girl and she can paint you nude. Then that's all you have to do. You don't have to work anymore 'cause you'll just be posing nude for your artist-wife and she'll sell those paintings of you and you'll be living the sweet life. We'll all even buy one of her paintings."
Connerty fuckin' rocks. He, Brad and I kept raising the bar for each other as far as telling disgusting jokes. I miss all those guys. Within 12 hours I worked at both Provena hospitals I've worked at. Got paid at one, didn't get paid at another, but got to hang out with my old buddies. Everyone in surgery showed me how much a difference who you work with makes. After all that, it was about 3:30. I drive my Dad home and from there we head to Chicago to see the apartment, which is having some work done. Next Mom, Dad and I head to Marshall Fields on State and buy a baby gift for my cousin and then get a nice steak dinner at Wildfire. I passed out in the back of the car on the way back, but I finally crawl into bed around 10:30 monday night. It was a long 30 hours, but while the last 15 hours were hard to stay awake for, they were really freakin' great.
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Good to hear =)
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