franz LISZT

1. So yeah, I got the Disney World job. I think I'm gonna take it. My only hesitation is that it's in Florida and I have no family/friends down there. Only for 6 months though.
2. The plan still stands to take the 'CAT in april and again in the fall when I'll aparently be in Florida.
3. The prospect of graduation and everyone from college moving away is starting to hit and it's kinda scary.
4. Quitting the ER is gonna feel great as soon as I get the balls to actually do it.
5. As long as I have friends I can hang out with and as long as I can enjoy some eye candy at CRCE, I don't need no stinkin' girlfriend. My overall distrust of the female sex only ends with my Mother and the significant others of my friends.
6. I really don't want to "walk" for graduation, but my parents want me to do so. I think I'll do it for their sake.
7. Selling/trading action figures is turning out to be a really cool kind of hobby.
8. My NCAA bracket has been hacked by George Mason. Stupid n00bs.
9. I really want a Nintendo Revolution.
10. Saying goodbye to Room 26 was kinda difficult. I don't really want to think how difficult it will be to say goodbye to A1: Steak Sauce Club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will be your friend in Orlando, fellow education presenter!