In the spirit of last night's post, here the 7 Biggest Mistakes Ive Made:
- Deciding to attend the University of Illinois
- Deciding to follow the advice of Mr. Michael Meyers and declare my major in Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Trusting Ms. Beverly Hertle into believing I had all the necessary requirements to graduate this coming december.
- Any and all dating relationships I've entered with the opposite sex (a grand total of maybe 1.5)
- Going on the Kairos retreat in High School
- Forging my parent's signature in the 6th grade
- Xerox copying a diagram for an organic chemistry lab report
God I suck.
1 comment:
1. I think tradition demanded it.
2. Why? You want to be a doctor or do something medical someday, after all. I wish I had been an MCB major...would have made my life much less of a living hell right now.
3. already know my story about my douchebag advisor, and I totally feel you, bro. But if you're going to be around next semester, at least you and I can have some actual fun, instead of just getting our asses beat at smash tournaments. Also, if you're here, you should take BIOC 455 (biochem lab) with me. Actually, well, it's eight hours of lab a week...maybe you shouldn't.
4. Well, we've already decided that you're asexual, but at the same time, we've already determined whom you're marrying...okay, fine, I won't make fun of you about that anymore :-P
5. After googling this term, thus discovering your high school's website, and reading about it, I can only assume that there must have some specific event that occurred while on it that you're not happy about. If you ever want to talk about it, you know how to find me.
6. Can't say I've ever done that, but I have a kind of similar story...ask me sometime, it'll make you laugh.
7. That's at least as much my fault as yours...and yes, it was a pretty stupid decision on both our parts.
You suck a lot less than you think...but possibly more than our subpar vacuum, which couldn't pick up dirt if my life depended on it :-)
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