So being the genius that I am, after a strenuous workout on thursday, I decided to give blood. Now even under normal circumstances, my body doesn't do so well after losing a pint of blood and add the fact that I had been to CRCE and I've got problems. I passed out for 3 hours after the bloodletting. That was thursday and now it's buck futtering Sunday morning and I still feel like a zombie (mmm brains...), but I can't sleep. I've also haven't been able to get rid of feelings of hunger since thursday either(brains....). So I'm dying. I knew my day would come sooner than later anyway. Mike's party was good times. I manned the grill and although I probably could have eaten all the burgers I cooked, I only ate two. Beer, grilling and video games = nirvana. Saturday has been kind of a day of recovery. I haven't really done anything except play X-Men Legends, eat potato chips and bellow SLOTH!! as I scratch myself. I need days like that though. I need a freakin J-O-B. Covenant's HR department is stupid. I can't talk to anyone, I gotta apply by computer. I gotta even ask questions by computer. I'm all for using computers for the advancement of laziness, but when I'm in the freakin' building, could you at least extend the common courtesy to answer a few of my questions? Dr. Bennett thinks I need a girlfriend. He's probably right, but fuck that. This kid is asexual. My experience with the females either has them ignoring me, smothering me or slapping me and calling me Meat Needle for reasons unknown. Doug also said I probably would have to like who I am before I can let someone I like, like me back. So I'm like...this is my united states of whatever. The dude is cool though and I'm slowly feeling better. This blog is stupid. It needs more sex, violence and filth in it. I'll see what I can do to remedy that.

1 comment:

A said...

hey wait a while and things just get worse - you need to surrender more - like your moment of peace you need moments of ecstacy, of unbelievable freedom and unbearable lightness, of quietude and high volume high energy rush - you have to be excited by what you do, who you meet - and be in awe of nothing...