Dr. Me pt. II

The shit hit the fan and I really did get sick. It started my last day of work as a presenter. My eyes started bothering me and I'm not sure it's entirely visible in the above photo, but my right eye is about as red as the Terminator's. Just to illustrate how much it hurt my eyes for that picture to be taken, i was grabbing my arm so hard (as you can see) that it is now bruised. I went home that night and when I woke up on the following morning, I couldn't see out of my right eye. I hobbled to the aiport and got home. Since then, I've been on 3 different medications, seen 4 doctors (2 of which were at the university of illinois, the so called "best of the best"). none of the doctors k now what it is. they did cultures on my eyes (which hurt like a mother) on dextrose and chocolate agar, yet didn't detect any bacteria or fungus. The experts at U of I didn't think it was a parasite, but it could be viral...but no one had any idea what the hell I had. fortunately, thanks to a topoisomerase inhibitor known as vigamox, my eye has been getting better. But i'll be wearing glasses pretty much full time for the next couple months. I think I'll be able to drive now, which is a big relief. Several of the docs said i might have long term damage, but if not, I might be a good candidate for Lasik surgery. honestly, i haven't been this scared in a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear all of this is going on... my poor Jon with no one to rub his back now that I have left.... feel better sweety... Miss you!! Kris