in dreams

Above: artist's rendering of the following passage;
ok so many of you all know that I don't dream. Well I guess everyone dreams, it's just that I never remember mine. I had quite a bit to drink last night celebrating my chronic bachelorhood on V-Day, so that may play a part. Here's what I remember:
Ok so like a bunch of guys from my apartment and I were gonna go like 20 years into the future, problem was that we had Doc Brown's Delorean time machine. As you may know the Delorean only seats 2 and we needed to send like 8 guys into the future. We had to make a bunch of shuttle trips back and forth to get everyone there. So Zvi and Katie are already in the future and Zvi is taking care of a mini robot of general grevious. Steve and I are back in the present day and we hop in the Delorean and go to the future. We're in the future Chicago and Steve gets out and he's going to go to Detroit to go see Katie. Then it gets weird; right becomes left and left becomes right, I lose control of the Delorean and somehow fall out on the highway, but the car keeps driving 'cause it's got some auto pilot thing and it crashes. So I'm stuck in some bizzaro Blade Runner-esque future with no ride. So I go to where Zvi is and it's crazy with futuristic stuff and his mini general grevious tries to cut me at my ankles with his mini lightsabers but i kick him and rip his robotic head off. Then I'm like crap, I'm stranded in the future, so with my current actual cell phone (which has perfect reception in the future), I call Katie and tell her the Delorean is probably crashed and we're screwed. I see the future Brian Sproul who is 20 years older now and he makes fun of me for having such a jank-assed-old phone. Then I buy some super calling card that allows me to call the past on my phone and I talk to Chris who is back in 2006 and I tell him I'm stuck here. I woke up after that, but it was honestly the coolest dream EVAR!

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