hibernation confrontation

So as you may know, I've exiled myself to Kankakee for a few weeks. Besides being a period of welcomed boredom, I've been able to sleep a lot and just clear my head. But it has not been without it's moments. What I'm about to recount would probably best be classified as a lurid tale:
So my Mom and I had just come into the house after working outside for a few hours. The doorbell rang and even my newly hard of hearing canine companion jumped up to see who it was. The man at the door was older gentleman, the kind of guy who'se in his 80s, yet still dyes a full head of hair to retain a hint of youth. I've seen this guy many times before, but I don't know his name. He wanted to speak to my Father for some medical advice, but my Dad was at my former place of employment installing a pacemaker. This man, whom I'll refer to as Wilbur, had what he described as bloody stool for the past two days. Of course, I immediately think of this guy
My Mom makes the phone calls and eventually he gets on the line and starts talking to Wilbur and he asked him to describe his discharge. "Well there's some black parts, but it's mostly red liquid,...you know....blood." So I'm there holding back my pissed off newly deaf pooch and listening to this grotesque conversation. My Dad eventually talks Wilbur to come into the emergency room, even though he doesn't want to worry his family. Your anus is bleeding man! You gotta do something and soon! So he goes and after I give my Mom my best WTF facial expression, I try to put the whole experience out of my head. My Dad eventually comes home and asks what I thought about the reverse house call. He knows of my obvious interest in all things medical and goes on to discuss the details of Wilbur's rectal exam. Now I'll be honest, the whole medical thing IS my bag. I dig it. I've seen my fair share of messed up stuff. But when a guy comes to your front door complaining of a bleeding anus, that weirds me out a little.

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